Sunday, December 26, 2010

How to Fight Back If you’re attacked

Instantly stop any attacker -- regardless of your age, gender, shape or size!

1 - Let the person know you are aware of their presence.
Immediately turn to where you heard the noise. Firmly and loudly say, “I hear you. I don't want any trouble. Go away right now.” Most attackers will judge you based on your initial reaction. 

2 - Ready your body.
Bring your hands up in front of your chest and put one leg slightly in front of the other, shoulder-width apart, with your weight evenly distributed. This “ready stance” allows you to move easily and shows the attacker you are not backing down.

3 - Ready your hair.
If you have long hair, tuck it into the back of your outfit. If you have a ponytail, quickly undo it and do the same. Many attackers reach for a woman's hair first.

4 - Take a quick personal inventory.
Do you have an umbrella? Books? A pen? Any object you have can be used as your personal weapon. You'll want to hang on to these. If you're empty-handed, try to grab any object within reach, such as a trash can lid or a branch off a tree. If you can swing or poke with it, it could save your life.

5 - Yell “fire.”
If your attacker continues to approach you and there aren't many people nearby, yell “Fire!” You're more likely to get others attention this way.

6 - Enlist people's help.
If there are people nearby, ask them to call for help. Be specific as they're likely to panic. Say something like, “Hey, you in the yellow shirt, call 119! This man won't leave me alone.”

7 - Wait for your moment to explode and escape.
If you're been attacked and are pinned on the ground, be temporarily complacent. In order for him to hit you, or for a sexual assault to take place, he will have to let go of you somewhere. When he does, use your free arm or leg to hit, gouge, kick or scratch as hard and as fast as you can. If been you're tossed onto your stomach, try to get your arms and hands under your chest; this will give you leverage and ensure that you can breathe. In this same position, try to bend a leg to the side and rest on your hip; in an unsuspecting moment, you can kick the bent leg straight back and smash his groin.

If you like to see how it is done and learn some of the moves you could which this youtube video and use it if you must.

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